Walbrook Ward – at the Heart of the City

The Ward of Walbrook is one of the 25 Wards that make up the City of London, otherwise known as the “The City” or “Square Mile”.


Walbrook Ward is the most central of the Wards and lies at the very heart of the City. It encompasses Mansion House, the home of the Lord Mayor of London, St Stephen Walbrook, the Bank of England, 125 Old Broad Street sometimes known as “The Old Stock Exchange Tower”, Grocers’ Hall, the City of London Magistrates Court, the London Stone and Bank Underground Station.


The Bank of England is custodian to the official gold reserves of the United Kingdom and many other countries. These gold deposits in the Bank’s vaults are estimated to have a market value of around £300,000,000,000. If Walbrook Ward was an independent state, it would make it the wealthiest in the world on a per capita basis!



Further details of the Ward can be found by clicking on the following link to the Walbrook Ward website.


City of London Corporation

The City of London Corporation is the local authority for the City and the governing body for the City is the Court of Common Council.

The City of London Corporation is committed to maintaining and enhancing the City as the world’s leading international financial and business centre. Its responsibilities extend beyond the City boundaries in that it provides and maintains a host of facilities for the benefit of the nation. This includes the open spaces of Epping Forest and Hampstead Heath to the famous Barbican Arts Centre and the Museum of London.

In addition to providing services as a local authority such as refuse collection, housing, social services, education, environmental services and planning, the City of London Corporation is responsible for a number of other services.

The Corporation runs its own police service, the City of London Police which is the lead police force for economic crime, and operates the nation’s Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey.


The Corporation maintains five of the Thames bridges (through the City Bridge Foundation), and is the Port Health Authority for the whole of the Thames tidal estuary.

The three premier wholesale food markets, Billingsgate, New Spitalfields and Smithfield are also owned by the Corporation.

Click this link for the home page of the City of London Corporation.